I obtained my PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience from the University of Cambridge in 2014. My Ph.D. research examined the cognitive and neural mechanisms for preserved and impaired performance in spoken language processing across the adult life span. Before doing my PhD, I received a Master’s of Science degree in Cognitive Neuroscience from Peking University.
I started to work in the Park Aging Mind Lab as a Research Associate in January 2015. Prior to joining the lab, I worked for one year as a Research Associate at the Institute of Neuroscience and Psychology, University of Glasgow.
Research Interests
My research interests are in studying the neural mechanisms for various types of cognitive functions, including memory, language, and the ability to understand social signals in the aging brain, using functional MRI. I am also interested in the trajectory of change in cognitive abilities as well as its relationship between structural changes in the brain, as a function of age.
Selected Publications
Selected Presentations
Zhang, J., Randall, B., Devereux, B., Shafto, M., Zhuang, J., & Tyler, L.K. (2010). Are age-related changes in the neural language system non-linear? Talk at AMLaP. & Poster at HBM.
Zhang, J. & Zhang, Y. (2008). Brain Responses to Chinese Grammatical and Lexical Aspect. Talk at The 6th Chinese Psychologist Conference.