Melissa Rundle, PhD


(972) 883-3777



Graduated from Dartmouth College in June 2015 with a PhD in Experimental and Molecular Medicine with a focus in Cognitive Neuroscience.

Research Interests

My research interest focus is on how words of concrete objects are conceptualized in the brain. For example, an apple has a variety of different properties such as round, red, edible, manipulable, etc. How do all these separate properties come together to for a uniform representation in the brain is a mystery. The advantage of being in the Park lab is that I can extend this question to how concepts change overtime and do the activity patterns of a concept change overtime. In high frequency words, such as apple, do we form larger, broad networks that allows us to maintain an “apple” concept longer than low frequency words such as “okra.”

Selected Publications

Rundle M.M., Connolly A.C., Coch D., & Granger R.H. (submitted). Triple dissociation for semantic categories of concrete noun categories.
Rundle M.M., Connolly A.C., Coch D., & Granger R.H. (in prep). Intrinsic color processing of objects with stereotypical colors
Kleen J.K., Scott R.C., Holmes G.L., Roberts D.W., Rundle M.M., Testorf M., Lenck-Santini P.P., & Jobst B.C. (2013). Hippocampal interictal epileptiform activity disrupts cognition in humans. Neurology, 81(1), 18-24. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0b013e318297ee50
Vaishnavi S.N., Vlassenko A.G., Rundle M.M., Snyder A.Z., Mintun M.A., & Raichle M.E. (2010). Regional aerobic glycolysis in the human brain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 107(41), 17757-17762. doi:10.1073/pnas.1010459107

Selected Presentations

Rundle MM, Connolly A, Granger R. Multidimensional representation of concrete nouns in the left temporal cortex and left orbital gyrus. Organization of Human Brain Mapping, 2013.
Rundle MM, Connolly A, Granger R. Noun object discrimination in left inferior temporal cortex. Cognitive Neuroscience Society, 2011.
Rundle MM, Connolly A, Granger R. Searchlight results for 6- and 3-way classification accuracy of concrete nouns. Organization of Human Brain Mapping, 2011.
Vlassenko AG, Rundle MM, Mintun MA. Age-dependent pattern of cerebral blood flow and oxygen metabolism response to continuous visual deprivation. American Academy of Neurology, 2010..